Gaga world

Nov 19, 2009 13:13

Really random but Lady GaGa scares me a little. Well the new video for Bad Romance scares me. Seriously. I love her music but that video gives me the wiggings. She's pretty as well, that odd pretty. I mean she looks good then looks weird... ETA: Rubbish fetish... sounds like a twisted ep of CSI or SVU.... *images*

*Eyes cross*

Am I the only who doesn't give a rat's arse about Twilight / New Moon? Over here there's some cinemas that are open at midnight so people can watch it. Seriously? Also the 'twilight moms' scare me too. The guy whom plays Jake in T/NM was approached by a woman and her daughter and the mother admitted that she was wearing underwear with his name on and she wanted him to sign it....Creepy. Very creepy. Shouldn't grown women know better?

I'm a proud Buffy watcher. Just getting that out there.

I don't have TV/Flim crushes, I just have eyeshag affairs...;D

Someone mentioned how pocessive women get over men [or other women] if someone else expressives an interest. I think it's harking back to the whole mate thing. Sometimes [wo]men bring out the worst in women, ditto about men. It's a logical thing really. Did I mention that I hate logic?

*The Dark Zodiac muse picks up*

Now I must go write a little CSI fic about either Sara or Catherine getting pocessive over the other.

*Face palm.*

*Head desk*

P.S. Is it me or having I-pod only head phones and music tracks really annoying? Or is a world taking over thing? Yes I'm cranky.

Odd moment, it's so windy 'round here it's just blown down the wheelie bins. / odd.

The Dark Zodiac
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