(no subject)

Jun 15, 2006 14:38

Not much to say today. Work is frustrating. I'm trying to make stickers and I can't get the printer to work. The only person who knows how to do it is on vacation till Monday (good thing they're not in a rush to get made). I'm also having to surf the web looking for fun facts about Boston since that's where Convention is going to be held. Whee! Of course I'm still fielding frantic calls from treasurers but I'm prepaered for that. I feel so drained and tired I just want to drink myself into oblivion.

Last night's show was great (albeit a bit longer than I liked but still fun). However, I got shushed by the asshole sitting next to us and had to move after intermission (it seems I was laughing too loudly for his tastes). I made sure the staff knew about the shushing so they would understand why my laughter died down a bit (I am always getting complements on my laugh from theater companies but occasionally some patrons find it just too loud). Anyway, the show was good (the plot was predictable but I could live with that). The costumes and set were great. The characters did remind me of some of the scary white trash that makes up the compost heap at the bottom of my family tree (the Weekly Wierd News was treated with the same reverence as The New York Times). Anyway, it was a good show and definately worth seeing.

Oh yea, I almost forgot. Here's this week's riddle:

The answer that prevents perfection.
The way to get where you don't want to go.
The rightings of the honorable knight.
Though a pair will never make a right.
The writing of a potatoe.

As usual, go to Cloud Kingdom's Riddle Page for official guesses, and to rate the riddle.

And in honor of this week's riddle, I give you my very first poll:

Poll riddle me this

Have fun! *****EDIT**** You can chose more than one answer to the first question. *************


nostalgia, play review, funny, work, poll, bitchiness, computer, my past, riddles, question, links, strange, theater

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