Hot, Hot, Hot ...

May 31, 2006 11:27

Yea! Update after a long, holiday weekend.

Ok, first of all, our air conditioning is still broken. It's been busted since March but they wouldn't look at it until the weather got warmer. They came out Friday and checked it out and decided that it didn't need freon after all but needed to be replaced entirely. They left a note saying it would be replaced Monday. Monday, no replacement. Called yesterday and they said it was going to be done first thing. Went home and was told that they hadn't done it yet. Was promised that it would be done first thing this morning but I can't get anyone to answer at the office and confirm that anything was done. When I went to the office to find out why we were being lied to and when it would be done, I was told that I needed to get a new attitude about the whole issue. It didn't matter that I have a doctor's letter in my file proving that if I am without air conditioning I will develop pheumonia within three days and end up in the hospital and the last time I was without it I ended up with a brain abscess and almost died. They said I needed to be damn glad that they were even considering fixing the thing at all. My health and life are not as important as the office girl's call to her friend about the guy she's dating. Hopefully, it will be fixed by the time I get home or else I may have to take time off from work and go to Van Rooy's Headquarters downtown and find out why my life and health is not as important as "Miss Thing's" boyfriend.

Besides that, things have been pretty OK. We had a great time in Chicago. It took us forever to get there due to the city traffic but we finally persevered and made it. We ended up spending the whole day Saturday in the Museum of Science & Industry. We were literally thrown out when they closed at 5:30. Anyway, the Da Vinci exhibit was good but very dissapointing on the whole. They had a lot of models but they all should have moved and only a small handful did. They wouldn't let anyone but children launch the catapults and a lot of the stuff was just pointless. They did have a kewl interactive sketchbook that was fun but overall, it was not as good as I expected it to be. The rest of the museum was fantastic though. Especially The Fairy Castle. OMG! this was worth the entire admission price on it's own. And they had an exhibit called Toymaker 3000 that was an overview of different career types but at one point you can pay $5.00 and have a gyroscope custom made for you in your choice of three colors (green, purple or orange) and it will be personalized and dated as well. That's a great souvineer. Since mari_banfathi was the only one of us with cash, she got one. Of course, now we have to go back so we can get one of our own. After the museum we went and ate way too much sushi and then collapsed in bed.

Sunday we went to The Lincoln Park Zoo. However, because it was so incredibly hot, we only saw about 2/3rds of the place. However, since it's a free zoo we can come back another time and finish up. The place was good but not too well laid out and the air conditioning in the buildings was really bad. The Penguin building was even hotter inside than it was out in the sun. However, it was fun and we did have a pretty good time. Afterwards we ended up at a neighborhood pizza place and had some authentic Chicago-style pizza. It was great. We went ahead and left that night because we needed to do a few things in town on Monday.

Monday was spent searching out air conditioning. We eventually came back home and just sat in front of the fan wearing wet shirts to help keep us cool. We did finally get the VCR hooked up to the cable box and can now record things off of it on to tape. Yea! now I will own all of "Viva Blackpool!" on one tape.

Yesterday I was back at work. Since I haven't slept well in days (strange beds & heat issues), I was walking around in a daze all day (today's not much different). We went by the church to pick up our stuff for the big doin's and because of traffic and the weather ended up missing Oasis. Oh well, we're going to try and check out the Thursday one instead.

I also found out that I had screwed up imbedding the Doctor Who video link in one of last week's posts so I'm going to try this again. Here it is. BTW, you should really check out the entire list while you're there. There are a lot of great ones including this cover of "Take on Me" by Real Big Fish and "Hungry Like the Wolf" from the Tooth and Claw episode. There are hours of delightful Doctor happiness there just for the taking.

That's all I have for today.


david tennant, naughty, friends, work, travel, bitchiness, tv, brain damage, links, fun, zoo, doctor who, debauchery, soapbox, funny, holiday, food, blackpool, lies, would jesus discriminate, health, oasis, sexuality, video, museum, penguins

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