I'm Being Swallowed by A Boa Constrictor ...

Sep 28, 2005 13:58

It's been a while since I've gotten to do this but welcome to my new friends gimp_bizkit and sunshinerose101. sunshinerose101 is a friend of sylvia101 and she's new to the LJ community so let's all go give her a friendly welcome. gimp_bizkit is from the webcest community. You should check out the saga of Tammy the blow-up doll and her myspace ad. It borders on need-a-shower creepy.

Not too much happening in my life right now but what is happening is NOT fun. Last night we went and cleaned out the Geo Metro because the damage from the sideswiping was enough to total it out. Now we have to look for a decent used car that we can afford and will last at least 3-5 years with few repairs needed. _falnfenix_ has offered to help us track down something and assist with repairs if necessary (<3).

Then, beldar's ex is back on the rampage again. It seems that her apartment was one of only two that remained standing when Katrina hit Biloxi. For some reason she has moved herself, her husband and beldar's son back down there rather than stay in a place where they would be safe and able to get work & support themselves. Since the apartment is still standing they don't qualify for most of the aid available and she's constantly whining about how she can't get a $30.00 per hour construction job. She's also demanding that we send her money to cover her each and every expense. She also feels we should take off work, drive down there with a moving van and load everything (by ourselves) in then drive it back here so they can live with us or else we should pay for them to move to Vegas where her husband MIGHT have a job. She's used to living on over $200,000 a year and yet expects us to give her thousands of dollars each month for child support as well as cover every penny of her kid's expenses (God forbid she spend a penny of HER money on him). She's also always whining about how she's going to go on welfare because she's so poor. Did I mention she's an insane bitch?

Well she's still just a psycho as ever. She's just positive that we make more money than she did and that we're hiding it from her. I really wish we did but we make well below half of what she did and we are barely getting by. If I had a permanent job and we don't go over our heads in debt getting a new car, we might be able to take his son in but that would be about it. I know she will never ACTUALLY let us take custody of him though because then she'd have to pay child support and she would never do that. She actually used to threaten to let us have him but that was when she thought that she would still receive child support from us even if we had custody. Once she found out the truth, those threats stopped immediately.

Anyway, she's going psycho on us now on a regular basis so there may be more venting in the future.

Tonight I have to work out the hair thing for the costume (really, this time) and then hopefully I can get around to sewing up the sleeves since It's just going to be too much trouble to put in new one right now.

Plans for the rest of the week: Thursday - See a dress rehersal of i_meister's show; Friday - dye hair and make final prep of costumes; Saturday - Costume event at Hallmark most of the day and then "Grease" at Beef & Boards that evening (I have about an hour to change and de-green myself so that should really be fun); Sunday - Church & "And Then They Came for Me" at the IRT. Unpacking might occur Sunday night but otherwise, we'll probably just rest (which we'll need).

Finally, I haven't seen anything in anyone's journals about "Banned Books Week". *glares while tapping foot* Let's see if we can't fix that. Also, don't forget to go visit scottbateman's ambitious project Bateman365. He's doing a different flash animation every day for a year. Please show him some love.

That is all!


scott bateman, friends, psycho ex, car, bitchiness, links, books, soapbox, funny, stress, costumes, pimpage, sexuality, welcome, money, animation

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