You Say it's Your Birthday ...

Sep 19, 2005 09:56

First of all, I'd like to wish my sweetie pie beldar a very Happy Birthday! Now everyone else go over to his journal and wish him one too! Also since it's International Talk Like a Pirate Day, include some Pirate-speak in yon well wishes, me Hearty!

I'd also like to welcome kudos4kkms into my little box of chocolates. We're not entirely full of nuts here but we do push maximum density at times.

Life things update. I offically want to have my DVR's babies. This is the most wonderous invention of mankind and I am so in love with it. I just need a day to be able to watch everything I've taped but at least this way, I don't have to pick and choose the shows I want and I can actually follow all of the programs I like.

That said, we watched "Supernatural" this weekend and I absolutely love this show. The plot was a bit predictable but the characters are interesting and they do a good job of keeping the story flowing and interesting even after you've figured out what's going on. It's a spectacular show and will most likely canelled immediately due to it's quality.

This weekend we did some much needed shopping and I finally got some of the "Mpire" toys that M&Ms released. So I now have "The Dark Snack" in more wonderful forms. Yea!

As far as shows this weekend, Saturday we saw "Inherit the Wind" at the IRT. The show was fantastic. We knew the majority of the cast and therefore had high expectations of their performances. None strayed from our expectations (even Mr. "I wouldn't know range if it bit me in the ass" was reigned in quite well by the director). I was only dissapointed in the fact that the layout of the show did not highlight Andy Ahrens incredible dimple (I could drown in that). Afterwards we went home and had a proper Pastafarian celebration in honor of the show.

Sunday was spent mostly in more traditional religious pursuits. We went to church in the morning and then ritual that evening. After ritual we played the newest game from Smirk and Dagger (the makers of Hex Hex), Run for your life Candyman (I'd include a direct link to the game but the site is filtered as "Adult Content" for some reason). It was as big a hit as I expected. I was dissapointed though because for the first time I won the game. I'm usually the first cookie to crumble however, I absolutely can't wait for Samhain when we use real cookies for the carnage.

That's about it for now. I have more things to post but I'll try and put them in a later one so I don't make this one too long.


religion, beldar, dark snack, bitchiness, tv, links, fun, theater, tv review, pirate, play review, happy, fsm, birthday, welcome, games

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