Shuffle off to ...

Aug 31, 2005 14:13

Ok, not much happening. theturtlemoves  posted some pics from the vacation here. More packing and loading last night. I'm really furious at beldar because he didn't get to the apartment when he said he would and I ended up packing most everything in the kitchen. Not to mention that we still have several loads to do tonight in addition to trying to clean the place. I still don't know if we're going to be able to take my rosebush but I'm going to do my damndest to get the darn thing. I'll at least give it to avaloninhiding since she can't get any of her roses to do anything. We're moving the cat tonight. Hopefully he won't destroy too much of the new place before we can get it unpacked a bit. Once again I'd like to heartily thank defixione for all of his help these past two days. We never would have been able to get this far without him and I hope we can somehow repay his generosity sometime.

Now on a lighter note, I bring you two humorous zomibe themed items.

First, American Idol gets invaded.

Secondly, The classified ads (thanks to eclectic_1 )

I feel the need to amble off slowly to retrieve the mail.

One last thing! Happy Birthday Glenn!


birthday, moving, zombies, friends, funny, links, rose bush

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