Won't You Come Out and Play With Me ...

Oct 13, 2014 17:50

I met Gerry at a College Orientation Dance. I was hanging out with a friend and we both noticed him. Of course, at 6'9", he was hard not to notice. He was kind of cute and all alone. We were both gathering the nerve to go and talk to him when he suddenly got up and started climbing the stairs to leave. I ran after him and she followed. Once I was outside, I yelled after him. I asked him why he was leaving and if he'd like to come back in & maybe dance. He did come back in and the three of us sat & talked for a while. He was very nice and we all seemed to get along.

My friend was more interested in him than I was so I sat back & let her go out with him. Due to her flightiness, she quickly became bored of him. However, I saw him around at school occasionally and we remained friends. She developed other friends and did not have a lot of time for me but we did hang out together occasionally. It is once such occasion that this story revolves around.

It was a Saturday night and we went to the Midnight showing of Rocky Horror. While we hadn't been drinking, we were quite giddy and in a crazy sort of mood. We drove around looking at local spooky places (the House that Glows, the creepy cemetery with the moving gnomes, etc.) since most of these were near Gerry's house, we decided to run by there as well. We drove up to it and were daring each other to go knock on his bedroom window just to see what happened. She went first but chickened out partway across the lawn. I on the other hand, made it over to the house but she said she couldn't remember which window was his bedroom. I knocked on them both & called out his name then ran across the lawn to dive into the car so we could drive away.

However, I was in such a hurry I forgot about the ditch at the edge of the lawn. I fell into it and rolled a few times before grabbing onto the car door & throwing myself in. We then drove away quickly and went walking around the park a little as well as just goofing off here and there. While my ankles were sore, they didn't feel more than mildly sprained, if that. When I finally made it home, I told my mom I had slipped on a wet patch outside the theater and that was why I was limping slightly. Then I went to bed.

The next morning, I woke up screaming because just trying to move either of my legs was absolute agony. When I pulled off the covers, both of my ankles were swollen to double their size. It took me forever to convince mom that I wasn't faking and that I needed medical attention. She finally agreed and took me to the doctor's. He looked me over and the x-rays showed that I had severely cracked both of my ankles. The damage was such that they wouldn't put them in a cast but they did give me crutches to help me get around and told me to ice them & stay off them until the swelling went down & then I could hobble around again as best as possible.

I managed to keep them propped & iced a bit but my mom refused to wait on me and made me continue to wait on her as usual. It took me about a week or so but I did heal up and regain my mobility. I never did tell my mom exactly how or where I fell that night and I really don't think she cared that much. Months later when I was seeing Gerry myself, I told him the story of that night and found out he never knew that we were there at all. We had a few good laughs about it then and I still think of it now.

Gerry and I had a lot of adventures together during college but this one was the most eventful one that he never knew about. We lost touch once he went off to another college but I've heard he managed to find a nice girl to settle down with & start a family. I hope he's still doing well and if he has any daughters he tells them this story in order to keep their ankles in line.

The above story is my whimsical interpretation of this week's LAST CHANCE IDOL topic,
"We are all in the gutter...". I hope you've learned a valuable lesson or at least gotten a good laugh at my girlish stupidity. Thanks again for reading.


lj idol, relationships, silly, injury, my past, friends

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