(no subject)

Apr 15, 2014 16:20

Another Tuesday, another plea for votes. Here's the link to this week's poll. I am in tribe one and really need all the votes I can get.

While you're there you can also vote for beldarzfixon in tribe 5 and veronica_rich in tribe 3. They could also use votes but are far outscoring me at present.

For those of you who have commented on my entry but not received a reply, I will get to those shortly. My computer time has been severely limited the past few days.

Oh, and as an update to the first part of my entry, a few minutes ago the cat trotted into the bathroom with what looked suspiciously like a furry little interloper in his mouth. I followed them and then closed to door to shut them in (the door bottom fits so snugly that a mouse cannot get out under it). Hopefully the old adage will hold true and "Two beings enter, only one will leave!"

I hope things are well with everyone out there. We had quite a flurry of snow this morning but it all seems to be gone now and it's warming up a little bit. Talk to you again soon!

Mouse dead. Cat enjoying gooshy food reward. Household much happier.


lj idol, cats, death, mouse, voting

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