I Get Knocked Down ...

Mar 28, 2014 15:15

Let me just start by saying this: I do not play video games.

That doesn't mean I've never played a video game, it just means I've only played a few and even then not very much.

Now, that being said, even though I've never actually played any version of Mario Brothers, I am aware that once you finish the first level and defeat the Boss in the castle, you are then told that your Princess (who you are playing this game to save) is in another castle and you have to go through all this crap again.

This is of course, a perfect metaphor for our daily struggles in life.

We've all had setbacks. Some of them are much more devastating than others. But they happen and with surprising regularity. At these times what really matters is how you handle them.

While it's easy to cry, "Woe is me!" sitting around feeling sorry for yourself, it's much harder to pick yourself up and struggle forward trying to overcome these obstacles.

I speak from experience. My life has never been easy and every time I think I've managed to break even and possibly improve my standing beyond just barely scraping by, life drop-kicks me into a pile of shit which I then have to get through and try to overcome.

This is no more true than right now. Because of the assholes in Congress, I no longer have the pittance of unemployment (less than $100.00 per week) coming to me. We are barely getting by on my partner's wages and no matter what we do, keep falling further and further behind financially. While I'm doing everything I possibly can to get a job, there are fewer and fewer jobs to be had. Plus, now that we are down to only one working car (and it's on its last legs as well) I'm not sure how I would be able to get to & from a job were I to find one.

Depressing as the situation is, I know it can get worse. Therefore, I keep on trying. I'm not giving up and I know that we've been this bad off or worse before and things worked out then so I can only believe that somehow they will work out again.

It's not like I'm asking for a lot. I just want to be able to use my skills to earn a little money so we can dig our way out of this pit. I'd also like to be able to have enough that we could make some charitable donations again. I'm not wanting any luxuries, just enough to get by and not worry each day whether we'll be out on the street this week. I don't think that's too much to ask.

So, I'm living day to day. Trying to keep optimistic. Hoping our lot will somehow improve somehow. It's not easy. It's not fun. It's not without regret. Still, I keep trying. The Princess is out there somewhere and I'm not gonna stop until I find her.

This was my entry for this week's edition of therealljidol. The subject we were given was: In Another Castle. I hope you enjoyed it and will consider voting for me in this week's poll when it is posted. Thanks so much for indulging me.


angst, lj idol, worries, money, stress, life

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