Screams But No One Seems To Hear ...

Mar 21, 2014 19:43

We all know someone like that.

That one person who's slightly off in some way and we all are fully aware of it but ignore it because they're either a really good person despite this or you know Karma's going to take care of them eventually.

For me, the one example who really stands out is a guy I knew in high school. He was in my Driver's Ed class and he was preoccupied with explosives and blowing things up. It was pretty much all he talked about. He was also in one of my science classes. We all knew about him and his obsession. In fact, at one point during my senior year there was a break-in at the school and a bunch of chemicals were stolen. The principal came into our science class and told us about it and asked if any of us knew who did it. We all immediately pointed straight to him. We all knew he did it but somehow he didn't get caught or punished for it.

That last part is not too surprising considering that in the various schools I attended 90% of the students were from the wealthiest families in town. Only the few children of the old money who lived on one prestigious 10 block area were more affluent (and a few of those bribed their kids into our school as well). Therefore, money made the rules.

In Junior High I was attacked and spit upon by a fellow student in front of 40+ students and a teacher and I ended up getting suspended for allowing him to abuse me. Plus, even with the witnesses and school records proving different his parents insisted he wasn't even in school that day. But I digress.

While we all were sure he was going to end up in jail soon after graduating and one of my friends went out with him once or twice, he wasn't a bad person. He just had a very misguided obsession. This ultimately led to his undoing.

I can still remember sitting in class that Monday hearing the announcement that someone had blown up a culvert a few locks away from the school. We all knew who did it. Especially since he showed up the next day missing a finger due to a "kitchen accident". He never did find that finger.

After this, he was more quiet and didn't talk about explosives as much. He still did on occasion but I think he started to have a healthy respect for their true destructive nature. I've fallen out of touch with most of the people I knew back then but in the almost 20 years that I still lived in the state after graduating (over 10 of them in the same town), I never heard of him in the news or connected to any crimes.

I do hope that means he's still out there and doing well. Karma kicked his ass and gave him a second chance. It would appear that he listened and changed his life for the better. I could be wrong but I hope I'm not.

This essay was this week's entry in therealljidol for the subject: The Missing Stair. I do hope you enjoyed it.


lj idol, nostalgia, my past, schools

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