I Want Candy ...

Mar 15, 2014 12:28

Alright everyone, here we go for the first official week of competition on therealljidol. And the topic is:


The definition, for those not familiar with it: “From Indonesian, meaning a joke so poorly told and so unfunny that one cannot help but laugh.”

I immediately came up with my answer to this issue and after a discussion with beldar it would seem that while his idea was different we both ultimately drew from the same general source of our answers: Saturday Night Live. As great as this show is and as timeless as some of its great characters and skits, many of them often fall flat and even though they continue to hammer some of these skits & characters down our throats (presumably because someone out there enjoys them) occasionally this repetition pays off and they suddenly become hilarious.

One such skit/character that represents this to me is Adam Sandler and his Cheap Costume Ideas Skits that all seem to end with, "Gimme some candy!"

These costume ideas are so incredibly pathetic and lame that they really aren't funny at all. However, after watching this thing a few times it gets into your head and can become hilarious.

In my personal experience we were cleaning/rearranging things in our apartment one day and came across some strange item (I'm not even sure exactly what it was) but while trying to decide what to do with it one of us put it on our head and said, "Hey! I'm crazy (whatever) head guy, Gimme some candy!" In that moment, the sheer stupidity of the statement immediately made us break out laughing and transformed the original inane attempt at comedy into one of the funniest things ever. In fact, we will still do this on occasion with various random items just because the sheer stupidity of the whole thing makes it incredibly funny (at least for us).

Now that I have infected your collective brains with this, I know that many of you out there are going to immediately grab a nearby item and do this for yourselves. Just remember not to freak out the other Starbucks patrons too much or you may get banned. However, should this actually happen I strongly encourage you to stand outside the establishment saying, "I'm crazy iphone-head banned from Starbucks person, Gimme some candy!" if only to see what happens.

Please note, however, I am unable provide any of you with bail money should it come to that. Therefore, I will now sign off before I create any more havoc in your lives.


lj idol, funny, links, entry

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