Screw The Middle Classes ...

Nov 02, 2010 09:38

In honor of election day I have a little rant for you all. Enjoy!

I would like to say first and foremost that I am not now nor have I ever been for even one moment of my life, Middle Class. Plus, I seriously doubt I will ever be in my lifetime.

In watching all of the political spewing I am once again reminded that the middle class is all that matters. They are who all of the politicians pander to yet they are really in the back pocket of the rich. After all, we all want to be rich. We all believe that the extra money will bring us the happiness our lives are missing. While I don't know if it's true, I do know that even when I was fully employed I always longed for more money to have things that I desired. Plus, I could have had most of those things but I was just so used to not having them and longing for them that I couldn't let myself have them.

I have been demeaned, tortured and bullied all my life for being poor and again, I seriously doubt that will ever change.

I am tired as hell of being second class in the world's eyes but I just don't know how to change anything. I have tried to improve my lot but have yet to see that happen. Even now I am being excluded from groups because I don't fit in with their ideals of who they want to be with. Partly because of my looks but mainly because of my lack of social standing.

It doesn't help that I have a brain (which I USE) and a somewhat decent education. I'm really fucked over by that. If I was stupid, then it wouldn't matter.

You see, I don't feel the world owes me a living but I do feel that I deserve a chance to earn one myself. However, I am being consistently denied that chance and that is the story of my life.

So, these are the things that will be going through my mind as I go out and cast my vote. I know it's not going to change anything in my life but hopefully it will make some sort of difference somehow.

I will now step down from my soap box and cast my vote. I hope you all go out and vote as well.


unemployment, politics, soapbox, work, election, scars, money, my past

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