Just A Waste Of Time ...

Sep 30, 2010 16:30

So, I got a call yesterday from the employment agency from the other day that they had set up an interview with me today for a clerical position. The pay was crappy and the hours/commute would likely suck but I really need the work and the income (money's drying up fast). So, I got all dressed up in my interviewing clothes and put on makeup, etc. and was on the road heading to the interview when I got a call telling me that it had been canceled. I knew the job was way beneath me skills-wise but they felt I was so overqualified that they refused to even consider me for the position. They said that I'd be too bored doing the job. While this is undoubtedly true, I am far more bored sitting around the house not working.

Still, at least they seem to be trying to get me some work. Maybe they can find me something before the end of next month. Of course, I still am trying to figure out if I'm going to be going back to work for the Blockheads. They're really vague about everything. It's like they think you should just be reading their minds and automatically know everything even though nobody tell s anyone shit.

So, that's my day. I'm now trying to rev myself up to go out and help some friends play-test a game. I'm looking forward to that but not the trip (it wouldn't have been a problem if the interview wasn't canceled as I would have already been in the neighborhood). Still, it's gonna be fun and will help perk up my spirits.

As for other spirit-lifting activities, tomorrow is the October Whoosier Network meeting. Sunday is the new show at Buck Creek. However, the show I'm really looking forward to seeing (and am missing this month's CoJ meeting for) is "In The Next Room (or the vibrator play)" at The Phoenix. When I heard it announced at the Tony awards I knew I had to see it.

So that's if for me. I certainly hope things are better in your lives. I'll talk to you again soon.

I wanted to mention the sorrow I feel at hearing of Tony Curtis's passing. I have always had a huge crush on him and am very sorry to think of a world without him.


unemployment, assclown, fuckery, stress, death, work, money, gaming, sorrow, theater

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