May 27, 2010 10:32
It took most all of yesterday but I finally managed to make the headache pain abate. The incredibly high temperatures this week are not really helping anything, either. I feel like I'm back in Arkansas again. Thanks for the well wishes. Now to what I planned to post then and now.
First, a quick work related update. I was pretty much resigned to the fact that despite the fact that lots of people were telling me that they would have work for me soon, nothing was going to pan out and we're going to be very broke for the long run and then I got a call from an entirely new place this morning that's offering me a leave replacement than may go permanent (the person on leave may not come back) that pays more than pretty much anything I've ever worked. While this is awesome, they promised to call back quickly and still haven't so I'm not really holding my breath. Still, it does make me somewhat hopeful.
Now for the updates I planned yesterday. You probably all remember that Tuesday was Towel Day and I celebrated by watching a bunch of movies centering around abduction. "The Last House On The Left", "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning", "Taken" & "Nobel Son". All were good in their own way and I felt very festive. Of course, nothing can beat my first Towel Day celebration in which I was front row for a Don McClean show and got to meat him afterwards. That was truly a wonderful day.
Now, for a quick rant about films and Michael Bay. He was responsible for both the new version of Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Friday the 13th. While I was genuinely impressed by the new version of Chainsaw and really enjoyed it a lot, Friday the 13th was a hugely steaming pile of rancid shit. They totally disregarded the whole mythos and gave us a crap film plus, who the hell kills something horribly menacing and violent right next to a wood chipper and doesn't put the damned body through it? I mean really? Michael Bay, stop raping the past just to pad out your wallet.
On the planting update, everything seems to be recovering from the transplanting and looks to be thriving. I'm really looking forward to using this stuff later in the summer when it's ready for harvesting.
Well, that's about it for now. I will talk to you again soon.
towel day,
movie review,
job search