(no subject)

May 25, 2010 10:46

Can't believe I haven't updated in so long. I really need to rectify this situation and update more often. So, here's what's been happening in my life since then.

Thursday I went to two different job fairs. The first one was an amazing waste of time. Not only did they have a very slow-moving line to enter the room (each person had to be signed in separately by a single person who was typing challenged) but they also got a room that was so small they had exceeded the capacity and couldn't let anyone enter until someone left. I ended up leaving before getting signed in because there was no point to it. They insisted that you bring at least 30 copies of your resume and yet only had 10 tables of which, half were colleges and then two more were military. The other three tables were for companies that I had already applied for so we left.

The second one I made it to was much better. It had about 20 tables and I actually got a few applications turned in there. I did have one bright moment when I handed my resume to the girl at the Simon desk and her eyes totally lit up when I said I was an accountant. But, I have yet to hear anything back from them. Of course, I have applied for about 50 different positions in the past two weeks and have only heard back from three of them so I guess that's about par for the course.

The weekend was a very mixed bag. Saturday we had the Block awards lunch and it was interesting. The presentation was pretty horrible but the food was decent. I got to commiserate with one of my former classmates regarding the unbelievable fuckery that went on throughout the season. We also shared our table with a guy who works at one of the premium offices and has been with the company for years. He agreed that the way they treat us is full of shit and was very interested to hear from me that his suspicions regarding better treatment of the employees in the Franchises.

I started feeling quite ill then so we had to run home soon after and lie down. I managed to feel a bit better later so we were able to make it to The Phoenix to see "Speech & Debate". That show was great. Very much like "Glee" but about acting rather than singing. Really a fun show (with a very serious message) and so worth seeing.

Sunday was spent doing laundry and then transplanting my herbs into bigger pots. Unfortunately, this is usually where they give up the ghost but they seem to be doing well so far. I've got a nice bunch of Oregano and Basil, a nice pot of peppers (yellow bell) and a rather pathetic smattering of chives (they always start well but never amount to anything). The Chamomile and Marjoram are trying to give it a go but the mint just keeps refusing to do anything. I have two tiny green specs in the pot but they just don't seem to be going anywhere. Still, I have high hopes for this year's crop.

So, that's really it for me. Not too much else happening. Hope all is well with all of you.


unemployment, play review, fuckery, work, unbelievable bullshit, gardening, job search, theater

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