(no subject)

Apr 20, 2010 09:13

I intended to post this yesterday but wasn't able to due to various fuck-ups. So, here's a wrap-up of what's been going on in my life lately.

Friday evening I got to attend Neil Gaiman's wonderfully charming speech here in town. He received the Kurt Vonnegut Literature Award and loved how beautiful and politically incorrect it was. He was also amused by this sign regarding the switches. Overall, it was a magical and spectacular evening. He was everything I hoped he would be and more.

Saturday was spent hanging out with veronica_rich and wreaking havoc on the world in general. At one point we saw this kewl guy in a neat car and ended up following him and then finding out where he worked. I tried to find a way to fix them up but we never could get to talk with him. Well, since we know where he works, there's always hope for the future.

Sunday was spent more lazily. We did make it over to the Art Museum to see their new Weegee exhibit. It was really very nice but hidden away in the European gallery and nobody seemed to be aware of it's existence at all. Plus, they almost didn't let me in because the didn't like the way I carried my purse. beldar ended up having to carry it to prevent me from punching the dickwad who was trying to bar my entrance.

The reason I didn't post yesterday was because the system wouldn't let me file my unemployment claim and I had to go down to the office to do it in person. Of course, now it's going to be late and I might not get paid for this week at all so I really don't know what's going on with that. I guess I'll find out later today.

I also finally got my shit together and planted a bunch of herb seeds. I bought a bunch of starters and just haven't gotten around to getting them together. Now I have so hopefully I'm going to have buttloads of herbs this year. Oh, for those of you who might ask (and I know you're out there) I planted chives, marjoram, parsley, oregano, chamomile, mint, basil and red peppers.

I also filled out a bunch of online applications and have an interview tomorrow. It's not for a job I really want or expect to get but I need the interviewing experience so I'm going for it. I did fill out an application for one of my dream jobs. Apparently the local FBI office is hiring a forensics accountant. I can't tell you how much I would love to have this job but I don't know if I actually have a genuine shot at it though. Still, it's awesome to know that I possibly could.

So, that's been my life lately. I hope yours has been good as well. I will talk to you again soon.


unemployment, assclown, friends, funny, fuckery, work, link, happiness, picture, art, gardening, author, theater

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