(no subject)

Mar 17, 2010 10:44

Happy St. Patrick's Say everyone. Sorry I didn't post yesterday and celebrate National Hiccup Day with you all. I originally intended to update Monday but the overcast weather lately has made it very hard for me to open my eyes each morning or keep them open during the day.

As for what's been happening in my life these days, last Saturday I finally got around to seeing "Avatar". It was good but certainly far from the greatest movie ever made. It does give one hope that future computer animated movies will be less sucky as far as human rendering goes.

It's weird that I seem to have lots in mind to blog about but when I actually get here and start typing, my mind goes totally blank. So here are the snippets I can remember.

Upon perusing the Final Four brackets, I am deeply concerned that one of the team's mascot is a spider. Needless to say, I'm not really rooting for them to go far.

Last night I went to a neighborhood council meeting. It was really interesting to watch local government in action. Personally though, I was not overly thrilled with the information gleaned therein.

Not really too much else to say for now. I will post again as inspiration warrants.


*EDIT* - WTF? Spell check doesn't recognize the word "blog"? Who the fuck is programming it and what are they smoking?

sports, government, neighborhood, holiday, basketball, movies, national hiccup day, animals

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