(no subject)

Dec 14, 2009 15:03

Thanks for the wonderful Birthday wishes everyone. I am very pleased to say that this year was probably the best Birthday I've ever had in my whole life.

My morning class/training went well (but not spectacularly). Afterwards, beldar & friendstephen spirited me off for a lovely lunch & some fun hanging out and running some fun little errands. I really had a wonderful time spending time with "my two best guys" and just enjoying being happy and together with them.

Then beldar & I headed downtown to meet up with my dear friend "Gepper" and see Star Wars in Concert. While I was a bit panicked for a bit as we couldn't find her and her phone was turned off, we did finally meet up and get inside. The show itself was really great. The music & presentation was very good but there were no costumes or much in the way of effects (as opposed to the Star Wars Symphony show at Celebration 2). We also found it strange that they cut together clips from all of the films for each piece of music regardless of the subject matter. Still, it was a fun show and Anthony Daniels was a delight. One of our favorite parts was during the final montage, they were showcasing many of the characters throughout the films and the two boys in front of us were grading each one in a thumbs-up or down manner.

After the show was over and we could finally emerge from the parking garage (with traffic being so heavy, we sat & waited for almost 30 minutes and made it out quite quickly), we headed over to the Old Point Tavern in hopes of meeting one of my FaceBook friends in person. While he ultimately didn't show, we did spend a few hours drinking and hanging out with Taylor (or more correctly his alternate persona, Andrea Merlin) and the official Leprechaun of the city. Yep, my day took me from buttoned-up and sedate to freaky in around 16 hours.

Sunday was spent mostly recovering from all of the fun of Saturday. beldar did spend a few hours transcribing letters to Santa for the newspaper which were quite bizarre and interesting. Not only was the spelling of many items incomprehensible (one thing seemed to be spelled ruHlc or maybe ruttlc), grammar obviously isn't being taught either. Still, it was occasionally fun to try and figure out what they were saying. Plus many of them were quite cute. For those parents of 6-8 year-olds, apparently Snuggies are a quite popular gift item this year.

I had another training/class this morning. While the class went well overall, they scheduled us in an office that was actually open and taking in quite a number of clients throughout the day. It was very strange and threw off many of the workers and customers as well as some of my classmates. I still am in limbo with the company. I don't have a contract, can't clock in and nobody has any idea what is going on with getting things resolved. Also, nobody's been given their office assignments either and since work in office starts on December 26th, they need to get their butts in gear so that we can all adjust our schedules. I have decided that if I don't have things fixed by the time my next session is done (Wednesday evening), I'm going into the Premium office on Thursday (since I FINALLY know where it is) and sit there until things are done. I honestly can't believe the sheer stupidity and unprofessionality with which this district is run. It's a disgrace to the company name.

So, that's what's been going on in my life. I hope you all are doing well out there. Love to you all and I will talk to you again soon.


music, birthday, happiness, star wars, friends, work, taxes

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