Aug 12, 2009 09:58
Hey everyone! This is likely my last post until Monday. Tomorrow starts GenCon and I will be tied up with that non-stop until Monday. If I do get a chance to post anything during the weekend, I will but I doubt it will happen.
I've been very busy this week in preparation for the convention. Yesterday I had a lot of last-minute errands to run so I did most of them with Jack.
I had originally planned to attend Trade Day at GenCon today but for some reason this year they are being absolute dicks about it. They want us to pay $32.00 for the privilege of attending it. We've been there the past two years and it has been invaluable to us for gathering info on story ideas and ways to sell games as educational accessories. But since we don't get reimbursed for our expenses, we just can't afford to go. Oh well, we have lots to do besides that.
If any of my readers out there are going to be attending the convention, please let me know as I'd like to get together with you. Comment and I'll give you my cell number so you can find me. I will be at the Miskatonic Alumni Rally as the head cheerleader again (we'll be conduction new cheerleader tryouts so you really should try to come and see what happens). Also, I will be wearing my K-9 skirt around on Saturday so do try to check it out (I will do my best to get a picture of me in it).
Also, if anyone out there wants to friend me on Facebook, same thing. Comment and I'll give you my link.
I do hope you are all doing well and I will talk to you again as soon as I possibly can.