(no subject)

Jun 30, 2009 21:19

Alright everyone, sorry this update is so late but a lot has happened since the last one. So, here goes.

Friday night I had to skip out on all of my plans (cruise-in, fireworks, Symphony on the Prairie) and just stay home due to the stresses of the convention and a few other problems.

Saturday went very well. We grabbed up friendstephen & his guns and went to the INGO family picnic. We met lots of people from the boards and we all shot friendstephen's guns and beldar made a perfect bulls-eye (pics of it up soon). We really had a great time that I wish could have lasted all day long. I'm hoping I met mr_sun but we all had name tags with our board names so I can't be sure. Afterwards, we did some shopping and then came home and rested.

Sunday's sermon was on Angels and didn't interest me and beldar had to work hospitality, so I skipped out on church and went over to friendstephen's place and cleaned all of the guns we shot the day before (it was really only fair). After we were all done with our respective duties, we left him and beldar & I went over to the west side of town to try a new chinese place which was fantastic. They had a decent and delicious selection of sushi, clams, muscles, and huge snails (they were very hard to get out of the shell but wonderfully worth the effort. Plus, they had an amazing assortment of genuine dim sum. Their more traditional offerings were also quite yummy. They had the most tender and juicy black pepper chicken I've ever had in my life. Plus, since they're still new so the prices are amazingly low.

Monday was not nearly so good (as some of you have doubtlessly already heard). A lot of shit hit the fan that day and I went through nine kinds of Hell and lost a lot of friends. However, today I decided that I was sick and tired of everyone telling me who I can and can't be friends with and/or care about. I decided that some of these were worth fighting for so I spent time today fighting for two of them. So far, so good. I know we will all have a lot of obstacles on every side, but they are willing to work at it too so hopefully it will all work out.

Tomorrow & Thursday I'll be working on a bunch of stuff for the convention this weekend. Then the weekend is the convention itself. So things are going to be very hectic for the next few days. Wish me luck in surviving it all.

So that's my life for now. I hope you are always doing well. Love to you all!


relationships, meetup, friends, shooting, stress, food

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