Well, for those of you who actually read me off of my home page & not your friends page, you may have noticed that my layout has changed. My awesome "Tooth & Claw" layout has been FUBAR for a while now and I will reinstate it as soon as I can. However, until that time, I have gone with the lovely little penguins for my layout.
Now, for real life updates. Yesterday evening we went out prior to the show to a church fish fry and it was very good. It was their 75th annual one and we have loved their slogan "Our Cod is an Awesome Cod" since we first heard it a few years ago. The food was great and the people were wonderful. The only criticism was that the guy in front of my took the last piece of fruit tart that I had been drooling over and looking forward to for quite a while. Still, the dinner was good.
After the dinner, we went to go see "Wicked" and OMG! I haven't been this awed and blown away by a show since the first time I saw "The Lion King". I knew exactly what to expect and yet was totally blown away by the whole thing. It was wonderful and I really hope to be able to see it again. It was so beautiful and glorious and it really made me feel so much better about myself. Just because some small-minded people thing I'm evil, doesn't make me so. It just makes them feel better about themselves to see me in such a way.
Quick Edit*********
Here's is Wednesday night's awesome opening number from Craig Ferguson:
Click to view
This is up there with the Tiny Toons version.
So, that's it for me today. I will talk to you again soon.