beldar just forwarded me next year's Broadway in Indianapolis schedule of shows. This is probably one of the best seasons they've ever put forward. I'd list it here and now except for the fact that the schedule is embargoed until tomorrow (expect it first thing in the morning, though).
While I'm not technically under the embargo, my absolute favorite musical is on the schedule and I refuse to do anything to possibly endanger our free pass on that one. In fact, I would be more than thrilled if any of you out there were to purchase tickets to any of the other shows that week just because I can never get enough of the show.
The above paragraph should allow some of you to at least know on of the shows on the schedule and just to clarify, the title of the post is not from the show (although it is from one of my top 5).
Today was not going too well. I have still not heard a word from the chick who was supposed to interview me. Plus, I haven't been in contact with many of my friends in several days (which is unusual). So I am glad to have something to brighten up my life in some way, however, small.
Love to you all!