I'm really wiped out today. Yesterday was very busy. I got up early and took
veronica_rich to the airport. Then I killed some time and hit the job fair downtown. It was really crazy but I should hear from several places that I dropped off my resume to.
After that I came home for a short while and then had to go out and run some errands and then to a meeting. I was really starting to feel totally wiped out and then went over to
friendstephen's place for a nice visit.
I had my second gun lesson (basic handling, cleaning, etc.). I really need to get a job soon so I can get my carry permit and be able to budget some shooting time. Looking through his collection I think I may have possibly found the gun I'd like. Now I need to shoot one to find out.
I've had very strange and stressful dreams the last two nights. On Tuesday night I dreamed that I was kidnapped and then raped continuously for about a week. Last night's dreams involved animal attacks and me breaking things that were important to other people. I'm hoping that maybe I can get some more restful sleep soon.
Not too much else to say for now. I'm just waiting around to hear from one of my potential employers. If I do, I'll be sure to post. I hope you're all doing well. I will talk to you again soon.