(no subject)

Dec 26, 2008 08:13

I hope everyone out there had a great Christmas (or Thursday). I know I did. I think it was one of if not the best one of pretty much my entire life. Good friends, good food, laughter, love and serenity. Those were the only gifts that mattered to me and I received them in abundance. I really couldn't have asked for a better day.

In fact, I'm still feeling such a high that I expect to start singing and having little cartoon animals dancing around me any minute.

As for details, I'll get to those later. Suffice it to say that I am having the happiest day I've had in months and I really hope that this feeling persists.

Honestly, the only thing that would have made today any better would have been not having to work. Still, that's not going to change this mood in any way.

I just wish everyone out there a portion of the happiness I'm feeling right now. I love you all and am giving you each a big hug and a kiss.

happiness, holiday, friends, love

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