(no subject)

Dec 04, 2008 08:41

Sorry about the dearth of updates lately. We've been very busy at work with month end tasks. Yesterday was the official last day of the month so everything that was received through then has to be entered before we leave today. Of course, this only applies to myself and T. The bitch didn't even bother to enter a single invoice yesterday and because of this the damage report is being delayed (they were all to be in before we left yesterday and T & I had ours in). I don't know if she plans to do any work today but we are not planning on doing her work this month. We're both tired of her shit and frankly, since the job is affecting my health, I just can't afford to put up with it.

Apparently, I've found out from other departments that once you get hired here you pretty much can't get fired no matter how much you screw up. Now, if that shit doesn't that inspire you to drink, I don't know what will.

Now we're getting angry calls from people because their rents are late. This is because the bitch didn't enter them when she was supposed to and then when she did, they were entered wrong. Therefore, all of them are about a week late. We've decided that all of these calls are going to be transferred to the boss since he was fully aware of the situation and allowed it to happen. He should have to explain to them why he's allowing this shit to happen.

Anyway, besides that everything's doing alright. I have a very busy weekend coming up. Tomorrow night is the Whoosier Network Meeting & Christmas Party. We usually have the two events separate but we couldn't find a host again this year so we're combining them.

Saturday is the CoJ Christmas Party and also a few other holiday events earlier in the day. And of course, Sunday is the annual St. Nickolas Fest at the Rathskeller and I have to go in that morning and set up the cookies room & cut the stollen. I don't think it would feel like Christmas anymore if I didn't do this. It's become my one annual tradition since we moved up here and I really look forward to it each year.

I finally took down the Thanksgiving decorations last night and hope to get the Christmas ones out on Sunday if the weather permits. Since it's just us decorating this year we're going to have to cover the whole place with lights but I think we can do it with what we have and a few small additions. Since I don't get a tree again due to lack of room at least I can put out some lights.

So, that's about it for me. I hope everything's going better for the rest of you.


bitchiness, holiday, work

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