(no subject)

Oct 14, 2008 07:41

Hi everyone! I hope you're all doing well. On the whole I had a great weekend so here's the update.

On Friday night we went to see "Godspell". The show was really fun and the cast while not perfect really had a lot of heart and passion which made up for any rough edges. There were some standout talents that I hope to see in other productions soon.

After the show we went to Cracker Barrel for dinner. I discovered that apple butter is a wonderful seasoning for a pork chop and both myself & friendstephen bought a "batula" before leaving.

Saturday we stayed at home most of the day. We did some tidying around the house and finally put up the food that we're going to keep for one reason or another and made a large box full of what I just couldn't keep. We let friends "shop" from it and between that night & the next day's concom, it all got taken.

That evening veronica_rich & friendstephen came over and we all went on the Irvington Ghost tour. It was really great but a lot of walking. Luckily I brought along a walking stick and had taken some pain killers for my knee so I didn't have any problems making it around.

Sunday morning we went to church and ran a few errands. This led us to a light brunch at Ruth's Keystone Cafe (it's right next to the Maggie Moo's on 86th street). We each had mini pots of chocolate mint roobios tea and shared a fruit and cheese plate that was really wonderful. It was light, satisfying and what I really needed to center myself again.

After that we ran by the final Farmer's Market of the year at Ellenberger park (which is a couple of blocks behind our home). We had a great time I petted a lot of wonderful doggies (including one watchdog) and I got to decide where I am going to set up for next Friday's Halloween Festival event.

After that we made it to the "Concom Nom Nom" at WB's Pizza. The food was great, the company was wonderful and I accepted the offer of being chair of the costume contest.

The only imperfection was the tragedy that befell my dear friend __kat__. She lost her father in a horrendous way and I cannot begin to understand the anguish she is going through. You can go over to her journal for more details & to offer condolences. She needs lots of love and support right now so reach out to her if you can.

Yesterday's blood test went well. I scored 2.5 which is well within the range I'm supposed to be. If I do well next week then I only have to get stabbed every two weeks.

That's really it for now. I'll try to post again later.


neighborhood, friends, church, death, food, costumes, trauma, convention, musical review, halloween, health, theater

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