I Talk to the Trees ...

Oct 07, 2008 14:01

Yesterday was far from a good day for me. I finally went to the boss about the bitchqueen. She felt that she should have a day off each week and that she doesn't have to do her daily tasks like the rest of us do. I was very upset. However, I managed to make it through the whole thing without crying. I didn't get the backup that I was hoping for from the other girl but she did agree with me about most of it and he did at least scold the bitch a little.

I was very upset over the whole thing because the last time I complained about a coworker for not working when I was, I ended up getting fired. I took most of my stuff home (and left everything else in one place) just in case I got a call saying that I wasn't to come in again.

I registered a 2.7 on my Coumadin level and the nurse said that if I am still within the range next week then I only have to get stabbed every other week. I will eventually get tested only every week. I also managed to hold it together during the visit but after that I really had a breakdown.

I drove home and had planned to just go for a walk. However, my knee was aching so I just sat on the edge of the porch, stared at the trees and cried a little for a few hours. beldar was running late and left a message telling me he'd meet me at the Halloween Meeting but I didn't get it in time. Plus, I don't think I could have safely driven anyway. He said that he swung by the church and looked for my car and when he didn't see it he came home and found me on the porch. I told him what had happened and he did his best to cheer me up.

Since we couldn't think of anything we needed to report on at the meeting (there's another one next week), he took me out to Jockamo's for pizza. That helped a lot but it took us almost 15 minutes to get our check because the help was too busy talking amongst themselves. Still, it did help.

For those of you newer to this journal, welcome to one of my bipolar downs. Even with my "happy pills" I still bottom out from time to time. Probably because I always feel the need to be positive and perky and never seem to be able to just have a bad day. Also, I really don't have anyone to turn to at times like these. I have friends I can go to for most things but this situation and the others that are building up inside me are too close to so many of my friends that I really can't tell them about these things.

I really don't want to start another journal to air these issues because no matter how secure you try to make things, they can always be hacked. I just have too many people in my life who could be hurt by this that I won't take the chance.

Other than that, I'm doing okay. Sometimes I just need to break a little in order to heal up and be stronger in the long run.

Sorry about the emo rant. I'll try to be more upbeat tomorrow.


sadness, stress, mental health, work

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