(no subject)

Oct 02, 2008 07:41

Well, today I woke up with numerous bites all over my legs & feet. This is not normally that unusual except for the fact that this tends to happen earlier in the year. Until this week I had pretty much escaped the spring & summer unbitten. I love sitting outside and petting the neighbor kitties (especially with the weather right now) but I just can't deal with the pain. I am immune to all of the known anti-itch treatments (both over-the-counter & home-made) so it's just driving me crazy. It itched so bad I actually incorporated the bites into my dreams last night.

I finally thought to make a list of some of the things I've been meaning to blog about so here goes:

Speaking of being outside with the kitties, while I was sitting on the steps petting Pierce, I noticed that we had a strange bug in one of our bushes. Upon looking it up on the web, I think it was a Brown Mantid. It was really kewl and I got a few pics of it (I'll post them sometime later on). I'm hoping maybe it will eat the stuff that's biting me as well as all of the horrible spiders that seem to be everywhere on the porch.

Still on the topic of the kitties and outdoor wildlife, we are having some serious squirrel issues. The other day, I was looking for one of the neighbor cats and noticed it sitting on the back porch quite contentedly staring into the sky. Then I noticed that it was watching a squirrel scamper across the wires up above. The squirrel then jumped to a nearby tree and came down the tree towards the cat and attacked it. The cat had not molested the squirrel prior to this as she had been on the porch with me. I ran to the back to see what happened and then found the squirrel (and another one) in the next yard taunting the dogs. We're thinking that we have some bad-ass gangs of squirrels over here. One of them stole a decoration of Indian corn from another neighbor's door and ate it in our yard. We've been talking about them having gang signs and stuff. It's funny but kind of serious too. We've all decided that we are not going to feed them at all this winter. Unless, the start to behave.

Last night I made a lovely dinner. I made lamb chops that were covered in a mint sauce (I found a jar of ground mint leaves in oil at The Cheese Shop and pasted it on both sides). They were amazing. I also baked acorn squash and made spaetzle. This was my first attempt at spaetzle and a learning curve for that. It's really easy to make the batter and it only takes minutes to cook but forcing it through the sieve it a major pain in the ass. I need to find a different item to use for that (bigger holes & maybe a handle). However, besides the problems getting it in the pot, it was wonderful. While I was cooking & preparing dinner I turned on the "Sounds of the Seasons" music channel.

Normally we only listen to this around Christmastime but beldar was looking around the music channels this past weekend and tried it just to see what they were playing. And currently, it's OktoberFest music. I'm hoping they will change to Halloween music in a few weeks but until then, we've got tons of polka music at our fingertips.

So, that's about it for me. Tomorrow night is the Whoosier Network meeting. Saturday night is CoJ (but we're not going to make the meeting because that's the preview night for "The Sound of Music" at Beef & Boards). Sunday we've got a Hospitality party in the afternoon and a Theater meeting in the evening so our weekend if pretty packed.

I will talk to you tomorrow.


music, holiday, squirrels, food, animals, theater, health

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