(no subject)

Jul 09, 2008 10:16

Thanks for all of the warm wishes regarding my new job. I'm really loving it and they seem to be loving me. I've really needed this for quite a while.

As for a wrap-up of the convention, where does one start? First of all, the guests were outstanding. I had met howardtayler (the creator of Shlock Mercenary) last year at Penguicon but I got to hang out with him quite a bit this time and got to know him much better (he's awesome!). I can't wait to see him again.

Surprisingly, I hadn't met our artist guest, Alan M. Clark before. Not only was he amazingly kewl, since he mainly does horror artwork, I was in heaven admiring his work. I was also thrilled to meet his friend and fellow horror artist, Steven Gilberts. Besides the fact that his work was amazing, he and his lovely wife live in Southern Indiana and are hopefully coming up in October for the Irvington Halloween Festival. Not only was hanging out with this group fun but I helped them pack up their car on Sunday for their trip back.

I was also glad to meet our author Guest, John Scalzi. Not only is he funny and entertaining, he's the genius behind Bacon Cat. That alone makes him one of the kewlest people evar!

For the first time probably ever at Incon, I spent the majority of my time being on or attending panels. I was hardly in the game room at all. This was a very welcome change and I really enjoyed myself a lot. Unfortunately, our Call of Cthulhu gamemaster threw her back out and had to cancel on us at the last minute. While I was bummed at not playing the game, this meant that I was able to watch a private preview of the Doctor Who finale episode. That was a real roller coaster ride in itself.

BTW, here's a link to some pics from the convention. I didn't take them but they do give a good feel for some of the stuff occurring (especially the Masquerade).

Also, since I finally received my economic stimulus check and am starting a new job, I was able to buy some art (several pieces were for gifts) as well as pick up a copy of The Order of the Stick boardgame (which sells out very quickly and we've been trying to acquire for almost two years now). Yeah! Plus, if I keep this job, I will be able to get a laptop by Christmas at the latest so that I will have more accessibility to the internets.

At work, we had a fire drill yesterday which really wiped me out but during it my supervisor said I could go ahead and start working 7:30 - 4:30 starting today and boy, does that half hour make a big difference in traffic.

As for my health, I am feeling much better today. As long as I don't move around, I feel perfectly fine and the breathlessness upon moving is lessening. I've been using my inhaler and even though I can't seem to feel it working, I think it's helping (it may be that it takes a while to kick in).

Also, I got a decent night's sleep last night. I did wake up at 2AM (after about 4 hours of traditional sleep) and couldn't get back to sleep in bed so I went to the dining room where we had cleared off some of the table and slept like a log there for the rest of the night. While that situation is not optimal (my ankles are very swollen), the rest I get makes up for it. I'm thinking it's likely I'll be sleeping in bed all night by the end of the week.

So, that's it for now. Work's still going great (I finished all they've needed faster than they expected and been cross-trained on some new stuff). I will post again soon.


comic, friends, work, convention, health, happiness, art, lolcats, author

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