(no subject)

Jun 25, 2008 12:08

Well, it took me a lot longer to get to the internets than I planned but I'm here today and that's what matters. I had an interview this morning that looks very promising. It's for an employment agency but she already has three assignments she's trying to place me with and more if those don't work out. This company looks like the best thing so far.

As for other stuff, My asthma has been bothering me a great deal the past few days. It kept me awake half of the night on Monday night and I also had aching in my left knee and elbow. I'm better today but still very phlegmy and often feeling very short of breath.

I have been turning in a lot of applications. I'm hoping something comes of them because there are so many of them that I would be perfect for.

As for a further wrap-up of what I've been up to I'll update you here. Friday night was spent hanging out with astria since beldar had to work. Saturday morning we made it to the concom meeting and then picked up astria and headed over to spend the rest of the day with veronica_rich. She barbecued us up some burgers & sausages and we played a bunch of games (most of which beldar won).

beldar had to work hospitality on Sunday and after that we headed over to Broad Ripple where we caught up with friendstephen for lunch and general hanging out. Then it was back home for TV and resting.

Monday & Tuesday were both spent at home watching TV and trying to breath properly. Not much else to say there really.

We did finally get to see all of the episodes of "Fear Itself" and "In Plain Sight" that we had stockpiled. I am still in love with the second show and did enjoy the first quite a bit.

I also finally watched the new take on an old story, "The Zodiac". I really felt that this version was far superior to most of the other versions made. It got across the panicked terror of the area without oversensationalizing the story. Plus it was so beautifully shot. The cinematographer did a great job of making things look like they had been shot then rather than now.

Also, when I was walking through the hallway earlier I ran into the guy who I saw last Christmas. The one with the toupee that looks like a yarmulke. It was strange seeing him again and I was impressed that I kept myself from laughing. I wish I could have thought of an excuse to photograph him though. Maybe you all can help me come up with one in case I see him in the future.

So, that's it for me for today. I will do my best to post again tomorrow.


unemployment, tv, movie review, friends, work, health

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