(no subject)

Apr 24, 2008 14:10

Well, I am almost entirely caught up on all the work that piled up while I was out Monday & Tuesday. My full Penguicon update will probably post tomorrow. Until then, here is what's going on in my life.

I'm very happy to welcome my newest reader, rosalarian2. She is a webcomics artist and I adore her newest work, I Was Kidnapped By Lesbian Pirates From Outer Space. You should really check it out.

As for my health, I am improving. I can speak today. The voice is rough, but at least it's returning. My head is much clearer and I've been sleeping better. I think the last is because I have been sleeping propped up on a wedge which is allowing for better breathing throughout the night. I just need to get the coughing and asthma under control and then I'll be fine. What really sucks is that I feel fine for the most part and really want to get out and about and do things but as soon as I start to move, I get hit with a wave of coughing and shortness of breath. Maybe it will fix itself by the weekend.

The weather here is improving. It's heating up which isn't that great because our current location has lousy air conditioning. However, we should be moving into our new building in a couple of weeks so it's not that long that we have to put up with it for.

Since I'm not much for moving, I've been watching a lot of TV. I am very impressed with the caliber of many of the shows that are back after the strike. Some of the scripts lately have been phenomenal. In fact, "Criminal Minds" consistently knocks me out with their examinations of the character's private lives. I can't wait to see what's next.

With everything that's been going on, the fact that today is "Dining Out For Life" almost totally slipped me by. I'm not quite sure what beldar & I are going to do but we will go out somewhere if only to make a donation or something. We usually spend weeks planning out exactly where we're going to try but this year I just am not blown away by the selection. I'm also disappointed that none of the Irvington restaurants are participating. Given what I know of the ownership, I'm guessing it's more from not being asked to participate than reluctance of any kind. Still, it would have been a great night to have tried "The Legend".

Well, I'm still pretty bogged down in stuff here so I will sign off and talk to you more tomorrow.


weather, comic, friends, food, work, health, dining out for life, penguicon, tv, welcome, links, tv review

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