(no subject)

Feb 29, 2008 13:54

Well, I guess since most everyone else is talking about it, I might as well mention the fact that today is leap day. You know, I've been trying my best for the past few weeks to come up with memories of past leap days and I honestly only remember one. It was the 29th of the year 1992. The only reason it really stands out is that I spent most of the day puking my guts out. I was sent home from work due to the fact that I could barely leave the bathroom for more than 5 minutes at a time. I went to the doctor's and they couldn't figure out what was wrong either. I later learned that I was experiencing my first of many more days of morning sickness in that I had conceived on the Monday night prior to that. I still feel that I should have had at least some other leap day memory but I honestly can't remember anything different about any other one in my life.

That said, on to other things. It's LJ Idol voting time again and now that they are down to the top 50, I can use the nice pretty clicky button again. Here goes:

Please vote for puppetmaker40 and any other of my friends as well. Note that she has not requested that I pimp her out for your votes but she's a really great writer and I'd like to see her do well in the competition. Besides, if she wins she can taunt her hubby with it.

I've got two more hours of last year's vacation to burn up today so I'm leaving work early. This is it for me until Monday. I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will talk to you all on Monday.


scars, my past, friends, trauma, babies, health

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