(no subject)

Jan 23, 2008 08:45

So, I dragged beldar out into the cold last night (somewhat against his will) to see "The Wedding Singer". He really enjoyed it as did I. The show is very cute and funny. The songs are hilarious (especially "Somebody Kill Me Please" and "Come out of the Dumpster"). The costumes were appropriately horrible (it was the 80's after all). Overall, it really brought the sweet feeling of the movie to life. I strongly suspect that this show will be quickly overproduced once the rights to it are released but before it is, you really should give it a try. It's a nice little love story and fun tribute to the 80's.

Beyond that, not much else going on. Tomorrow night is the congregational dinner at the church and we're planning on going. Plus we need to get beldar's hospitality schedule changed (he's scheduled for Super Bowl Sunday currently).

Since I don't have much else to say, I would like to get up on my soapbox and go off on something that's happening in my fair city right now. For those of you who don't know (probably all of you), someone broke into a known gambling and drug house and killed two women and their infants. Now, while this is an abominable crime, these two women are being deified in the local press and community even though the house they were killed in was a known gambling and drug house. These women knew this and went there with their infant children. These are NOT SAINTS! They knowingly put themselves and their children in harm's way. However, this is being overlooked. The community and media are treating them like they were not there to score a fix (which it is 95% likely they were) but as if they were having tea in a priory. I am really getting fed up with this. Yes, I am sorry that the women and their children were murdered. That is abhorrent. However, these women were not innocents and were killed in a dangerous house. The fact is that they knowingly took their children into this sort of place. How is this not even a possibility in their mind. These are not the sort of people who should be held up as pillars of the community as they are being. Also, it's pretty obvious that is the children had not been killed, the community would not be revering these women as they are now. Ok, I'm done now. I return you to my typically boring life.

Well, that's it for now. I will try to post again later.


soapbox, musical review

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