(no subject)

Dec 07, 2007 15:06

Ooh, second post. That doesn't happen often. I just had to let you know about some wonderful things I have found.

First of all, a huge shout out to __kat__ for the link to this great video: Grocery Store Wars. Beware the power of the Dark Snack!

Secondly, I found some instructions on how to make Sushi Candy. It even has a video with more hints. I have to make these at some time.

Thirdly, being as it is the Holiday season, I give you (gratously stolen from toddandpenguin): Ugly Christmas Lights. The best part of the site is that we used to live next to this house. I'm so glad someone submitted that picture to them.

And finally, another Holiday submission (also stolen from toddandpenguin) is the Christmas episode of "Cute With Chris". It teaches you the hazards of chainsaw wielding cats (they're out there!).

I hope you all enjoy these links. I will talk to you again on Monday. Have a great weekend!


holiday, food, links

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