(no subject)

Oct 31, 2007 08:09

So, it's Halloween. My favoritest time of the year. Since we won the home decorating contest I am taking off work a little early today to get all of the decorations set up just right for the trick-or-treators. I'm so excited. I'll take pictures of our place and see about getting them posted.

I think I'm the only one here at work who dressed up this year. Since I never had time to make the costume I planned on I just put on some PJs and came as "slumber party girl". Not really exciting but still fun (especially since I have some awesome penguin houseshoes).

I know I promised a movie review but we got the times mixed up and ended up missing the movie. Sorry. But we do get to see a preview of "Beowulf" in a few weeks so I promise to write that one up.

Not really much else happening. I hope everyone is having a great Halloween!


happy, halloween

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