(no subject)

Jul 30, 2007 07:30

I am pretty darn wiped out today. We managed to survive the weekend. We also made all of the planned shows.

Friday's "Here Come the Mummies" show was great. Much tail was shaken. The Leisure Kings were also a blast (as always). I have really got to see more of their shows. astria really seemed to have a good time at the show. He even cut loose a little at the end and was really grooving to the beat.

Saturday was spent hanging out at home recovering from Friday night and clearing out some of the stuff on the DVR (which is full again). However, that evening we went to see the Colin Hay show. For some reason I was feeling off that evening so no tail was shaken. However, the show was really great and Colin came out afterwards to meet everyone and give autographs. I was really glad we went to the show and really wished I had felt better but felt I really enjoyed it quite a bit even so.

Sunday was also spent hanging out at home and taking it easy. That evening we met up with veronica_rich and her friend gryphons_lair who was visiting from Wisconsin and went down to Fountain Square for the Wizard Rock concert. The show was really great. While there, we met up with __kat__ (dressed in her polyjuice Hermione costume), her beau and her cousins. The opening act, "Draco and the Malfoys" were a fun little punk sort of group. They really made me miss the Thickets. The headlining act, "Harry and the Potters" were fun as well. Their sound was a cross between "The Dead Milkmen" and "They Might Be Giants". They show was great and we had a blast.

After the show, we went out in pursuit of onion rings (I kept smelling them at the show) and ended up at the Dairy Queen near our house and while we were eating, beldar decided that when the zombies come, we would go there to wait out the invasion.

Anyways, our weekend of concerts managed to wipe us out financially so we are not going to be able to make the "Snow Patrol" show on Friday (plus it's going to be too damn hot for an outdoor show as well). Therefore, we will be able to go to this month's Whoosier Network meeting on Friday.

Oh man, time has really gotten away from me now. I really need to get back to work. Take care everyone and I'll talk to you again tomorrow.


music, concert, zombies, friends, funny, wizard rock, concert review

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