(no subject)

Jun 22, 2007 08:47

First of all, I'd like to welcome all of my new friends to this journal. I think they all came here as a result of beldar's friending frenzy after our run in the LJ Idol contest.

So without further ado, a big welcome to bettybaker, dydan, goddess_of_art, namfle, spydielives, genesisdesire & kidnebulous. I hope you all enjoy what I write and have a great time here.

I'd also like to thank oberonia for her wonderful little giftie that we received last night. We really appreciate them (the little journals) and will put them to good use as we are always needing something like this.

Well, the weekend looks interesting. We've got a Concom meeting tomorrow afternoon and then a quick groundbreaking ceremony for the sorority's new headquarters. Beyond that, I don't think we have any concrete plans. That sounds like we might get to see a movie and maybe something else fun. Still not sure.

Since I don't have much else going on and the main thing I had planned on talking about doesn't seem to have any online support, I thought I'd take this time to recommend something to you.

Regardless of what your religious leanings are, I feel that all of you should seek out and read the magazine, "The Wittenburg Door" on a regular basis. Especially the latest issue on the homeless.

This one really spoke to me on more levels than any previous issue. They really hit the nail on the head regarding the inherent problems of homelessness and the real needs of those who are. I say this because for a while in my life, I was homeless.

Now this will probably surprise most of you but it is true. After my mom died and I was on my own I did okay initially. However, I ended up engaged to a guy who upon finding out that I was pregnant (we were to be married in six months and had spent the previous day picking out our wedding invitations), left me high and dry without a word or anything. His parents came by my house and took all of his stuff and most of my stuff and I was not left with a card, letter or note. I was also sick with pneumonia which, due to the pregnancy, couldn't be treated and caused me to lose my job.

I had nowhere to go, no money and nothing. The person who said I could live with her changed her mind and I ended up out on my ear. I spent most of my pregnancy sleeping on the floor of someone who took pity on me and allowed me to crash there. It wasn't until beldar asked me to move in that I stopped being homeless. To further complicate matters during this time, I couldn't get any government assistance (no food stamps, no unemployment, no housing, etc.). I know exactly what the homeless problem is first-hand and I intend to never experience it again.

Still, beyond my little mini-rant there, the magazine is really wonderful. It is at the same time pro-Christian and anti-Christian in it's leanings but is really more anti-hypocrisy than anything. After all, it's associate editor is the person who brought you "God Stuff" on "The Daily Show".

OK, I guess I'm done with that now. I need to go. I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will write again Monday.


religion, funny, soapbox, whittenburg door, magazines, homelessness, welcome, my past, links, thank you

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