(no subject)

Jun 18, 2007 09:28

Well, this was an interesting weekend.

First of all, I went shopping at Costco on my own (a dangerous prospect) and bought some wonderful new treats. Then beldar & I went to the Greek Picnic (for all employees of Fraternities & Sororities) and while it was not really our bag, we did have an OK time. We found out that I am horrible at the game 'cornhole' (which I'm not too sorry about) and would have stayed around to play Bocce but it was horribly hot so we cut out early.

After we left the picnic we went up to The Mystery Company in Carmel for an author's signing (Barry Eisler). Now what exactly made me want to go was that it appeared to be at a small bookstore on a Friday night and that often these things can be poorly attended so we thought we'd go if only to keep him from being lonely. It really was one of those "inner voice" moments that made me consider it. So we went and after getting there a few minutes late, we were told that the author forgot about us observing Daylight Savings time and was going to be an hour late. Since there was a very decent crowd, we almost left but still something kept us there (and not just the fact that when I saw his picture on the book jacket I noticed he was a flaming hottie).

I am really very glad that we did stay because he was amazing. He is a very charismatic speaker and I honestly could have listened to him talk for days. I really wish we could have been able to spend a few more hours with him just talking and listening to his stories. Since we were overwhelmed by his personality and charm, we ended up buying one of his books and getting it autographed. I really can't wait to read it as I really want to be able to get to know his mind better (he's married with kids so being attracted to his body is less desirable). It's a shame he doesn't write scifi or I would do just about anything to get him to be a guest at InCon.

Now on to Saturday. Since it was extremely hot, we tried to stay in as much as possible and only ventured out to quickly run a few errands that afternoon. We had to attend a friend's Graduation party that evening which was very fun (but sweltering as it was held outdoors).

For some reason I was incredibly tired and sore on Sunday (I'm thinking the heat was the culprit) so I skipped church (it was a repeat sermon, anyway). I stayed home and did some reading and watched some TV including the movie, "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang". I swear, words cannot possibly convey how much I loved this movie. If it were a person I would fuck it so hard it wouldn't be able to walk for a year. The writing was so witty, the acting was perfection, and the direction was amazing. If you haven't seen this film, I urge you to go out and see it right away. It is truly funny and amazing.

Speaking of films though, last night we watched "Clive Barker's The Plague" on SciFi. This movie was made last year and was supposed to have been released theatrically but given how amazingly slow, lame and boring it was I can see why it wasn't. beldar asked me if all of Clive's movies were this glacial and I once again stated that Clive Barker writes wonderful short stories but the man can't write a novel (or screenplay) to save his life. All of his novels are just poorly padded short stories that are unbelievably predictable and boring. I doubt that this story would have even worked in a 30 minute format. It did have one short enjoyable moment though. While two of the characters are hiding out in the church for the others to return with a vehicle, the deputy is standing in the doorway chomping on something and holding a box, the other guy asks him what he's got. He says, "Body of Christ, what some?" and then throws the box to the other character. That was really the only decent moment in the whole film (which an ending just as horrible as "The Sopranos").

Well, that's about it for me for now. I hope everyone else had a good weekend.


happy, work, movie review, intuition, links, books, party, author

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