Well, the weekend went very well. Friday night's Whoosier meeting was a blast.
Saturday we ran some errands and then went to the meeting. Afterwards, we had a wonderful time at Don Pablo's. They gave us cute little serapes for our beer bottles.
Sunday started off well. We slept in a little and then went to church. We were planning to go to the mall afterwards in our
Would Jesus Discriminate T-shirts with a bunch of people from church but
beldar locked our keys in the car so we had to wait around forever for the locksmith to come by and unlock the door. At least the weather was beautiful.
Not really much else exciting happening. We did run into
__kat__ at Comic Carnival on Saturday. It was a shame she couldn't have come to the meeting that night but it was nice to see here again.
Well. I guess that's really it for now. I'll try to post again later.