(no subject)

Mar 12, 2007 07:48

Ok, here I am back from the weekend. Update time.

Well, Friday night was great. We had originally planned to go to Shanghai Lil's to try their lamb dish that I've heard raves about but since our money's been extra tight lately, I decided against it. When beldar bemoaned the loss of Cheng Du, I remembered reading about a new place that was supposed to be just like it so we went there. Sure enough it seemed to be run by the same people and the menu was excellent and the prices were great. They even had a Lamb dish on the menu so we had a great dinner there (the service was glacially slow but we had plenty of time and the food & prices were so good, we overlooked it).

The concert was fantastic. The crowd topped out at 30. While I felt bad for Chris, the intimate atmosphere was really great. It meant we could dispense with the facade of encores and all. I forgot to bring my autograph shirt for him to sign but I did get an autographed CD and a pic with him (although I look horrible in it so I'll probably just crop myself out). His opening act Gran Bel Fisher was really great. Overall, it was really a great show and I really wish some of you out there could have experienced it.

Saturday was very strange. Even though I had absolutely no desire to make breakfast, somehow beldar found a way to get me to do it (it was a delicious Greek frittata). We also watched a bunch of stuff on the DVR (which consisted mainly of starting to watch a show, realizing we'd already seen it and then erasing it).

The highlight of the day was seeing "Pan's Labyrinth" at the Key. I was surprised at low little violence there was in it when all of the reviews I had seen or heard went on and on about the intense gore. It was really just a simple little fairy tale and one I would have watched myself at about 8 or so. I really saw nothing inappropriate in it for children. I was actually disappointed at how small the portion of the film was that actually took place in the fantastic realms. Still, it was a fantastic film.

The low point of the day was suffering through the horror that was "My Favorite Year" at Footlite Musicals. It was actually worse than I ever dreamed it could have been. I figured it would be pretty crappy but it exceeded even the low expectations I had for it. It's really sad because I remember when the movie came out, I was eagerly looking forward to it because it had such a great story and cast. However, it sucked on toast then and the musical makes the film look like a masterpiece. Oh well, at least we are not really reviewing it but doing a piece on one of the actors so we don't have to suffer so much.

Sunday beldar was on hospitality duty at church but I woke up with a migraine, sore knee and upset stomach so I stayed in bed while he went to church. That afternoon we finally got around to doing laundry. Then last night we did a marathon catch-up watching of "Jericho".

Well, that's about it for me for now. Just a reminder, if you haven't voted for me in LJ Idol, please do. They are starting to eliminate people more and more, and I'd really like to make a good showing in this competition.

I'll write again later if possible.


music, concert, food, musical review, health, bliss, tv, movie review

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