(no subject)

Feb 01, 2007 07:48

Well, last night's play was certainly wacky. It also gives me a chance to use my rare "Chicken Story" icon.

The play wasn't perfect but it did have moments of genius. Especially "The Johnson File" system. For all of those of you out there who are temping or trying to stay at your job, here's the story. You make a real file and title it "Johnson". Then you go through every fourth file and remove the most vital piece of paper and replace it with a sticky note detailing what was removed and that it is in the Johnson file. Never be the last to have the Johnson file and always know exactly where it is. I really hope I never have to use this trick but it's a nice thing to know.

Anyway, LJ Idol voting should be announced sometime tomorrow. However, I feel an "illness" coming on so I may not be at work tomorrow. Therefore, I will do my best to get to a computer tomorrow afternoon and put up a link to the voting. If I don't, you can check out therealljidol for further voting updates (while you're there, check out the other competitor's offerings, if you'd like). I would like to say that I beat beldar in posting time.

Well, tonight will be filled with cleaning and party preparations. I'm not sure we will be finished in time due to the impending "sickness" so I may have to take off work tomorrow to recuperate and finish.

Normally I wouldn't worry about it and could get things finished tomorrow evening but we have our Whoosier Network meeting tomorrow night and then CoJ and concom Saturday evening so I really need the extra time to get things finished. Besides, it gives me more time to spend with beldar and if I do get things finished early, we can do laundry (otherwise, I have to do it on Monday).

You know, I had planned to mention Sidney Sheldon's passing yesterday. Why this even meant anything to me has nothing to do with his creation of "I Dream of Jeannie". Although I did enjoy the show quite a bit as a child, it annoyed me later in life. Actually, in my Freshman English 2 class in college I was forced to read his novel, "If Tomorrow Comes". I really found it well written and and a rather enjoyable story despite the fact that I've never had the desire to read more of his books.

Speaking of books, I just finished reading "Bon Bon Voyage" by Nancy Fairbanks. It's a crime mystery with recipes. After reading the book, I am shocked to find that she has written almost a dozen other books. I say shocked because the story itself was pretty horrible. She ended the book without resolving the plot and her characters are shallow and pretty offensively lame. Her main character considers the words "crap" and "dang" to be cursing and makes the character saying them apologize for it. However, some of the recipes were good (although many don't tell you how many servings they make which is really annoying on the double chocolate raspberry mousse since you have to prepare individual servings and it would be nice to know if you have enough dishes). Still, I know there is a prudish minority out there who adore this kind of thing but I am definitely not one of them.

Oh well, I guess that's enough for me for now. I will probably write more later. Otherwise, I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will post tomorrow as soon as possible.


tv, play review, ingenius, death, food, work, books

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