(no subject)

Dec 22, 2006 14:04

Well, I just got back from lunch. We went out so one of the girls could show off her new car (and because we really needed to eat out). On the way back, one of the cars that passed us was driven by Santa. He looked really nice but was smoking a cigarette and I felt that was a bad image for him. I know he smokes a pipe traditionally but that is entirely different from a cigarette. Anyway, that was interesting.

This morning on the way to work, they were discussing bad gifts and this one guy called up with his story. He works in a factory and the day before they break for Christmas everyone brings in food and everyone snacks all day long. He called to say that traditionally he brings in chocolate covered cotton balls. He said people will get one and start eating it and then make a face and eventually spit it out. This year he changed things up a bit by bring chocolate covered cocktail olives. I don't know about you, but this guy take bastard to a new level.

Anyway, things are going well here. I was working this morning and had one report give me so much trouble that I had to take a break so I think I've got Alex's Jedi robes almost totally cut out. I'm hoping they fit. If they don't I will bring extra material and just make another pair for him that does. it went pretty quick actually. Given the fabric, I'm not going to attempt a hand-sewing job so I will be steadily at work at the the sewing machine tomorrow night (should only take 30-60 minutes at most). I just need to cut out the sash (which I forgot to bring with) so I'll do that tonight.

I got the presents all wrapped last night but ran out of time for packing so I will have to do that tonight. beldar is going to clean out the car and then we'll pack it up and then after I've cut out the sash and such, I'll dye my hair. Then I will probably crash.

I'm just so ready to be on the road and there. I'm so ready to see everyone and I really can't wait.

Well, I guess that's it for me. I hope everyone has a Great Holiday! I hope to post some next week if possible. If not, I will post again as soon as I can.

Love and peace!


naughty, radio, holiday, recipe, funny, food, costumes, work, travel, hair, gift ideas, strange

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