Just a quick note. The dentist went better than expected. They want to do three crowns on the three teeth that are broken but beyond that, my teeth are fine. The hygenist was impressed by what great shape they were in at the cleaning. She said that I had less tartar & buildup than most of her 6 month cleanings (it's been 5 years since I've seen a dentist or had my teeth cleaned). So, I just have to work on getting the crowns as soon as I can afford it (they'll let me space them out so that I can afford them better).
Last night was also
beldar's sleep study. He said it went well but they came in during the night and attached the CPAP machine as he does have apnea and it's apparently very bad. They're filing the paperwork to get him a machine at home so he'll be alright. I'm glad that at least we know what's going on and maybe this will help him sleep better in the future.
Of course, since he wasn't home last night I slept terribly as usual. I woke up with a touch of a sore throat that I hope will clear up quickly.
Oh yeah, on the health update front as well: I have to go in next Friday to get another mammogram. They said that this is perfectly normal when performing a baseline (as I am) and not to be too worried. I'm just so excited to get my boobs squished some more.
Well, the weekend looks pretty mild. Tonight we're supposed to go to Buck Creek and see "Godspell Jr.". They can be a little hit-and-miss so I really hope they don't screw it up. Saturday our friend from Oasis is supposed to bring us over his old couch (yea! couch) and we are possibly going to see "Gorey Stories" by Shadowape.
Of course we've been tempted to go see a local group's production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at Ben Davis High School because they set the show in the Appalachian Mountains and it's supposed to be wonderful. It'll really depend on how we feel and if our schedule permits.
Anyway, that's about it for me. I'll try to do some Friends List reading this weekend is possible. Otherwise, please drop me a line or link if there's anything you think I should know.
Have a great weekend everyone!