Who DO You Love ...

Jul 27, 2006 12:31

Wow! Sorry I didn't post yesterday but I was invited to go out to lunch with some of the girls and for some reason I decided to go. Therefore, I didn't have any time to post. Well, now we'll take care of that.

First of all, thanks to popfiend's Friending Frenzy I have four new friends. A warm welcome goes out to evansmj, keptwench, mightyafrodite and qthewetsprocket! I hope you all enjoy it here.

Update time! Not much happened last night. We both worked late and I watched some TV while waiting for beldar to get home. I was too tired to cook so he brought home a pizza from Papa Murphy's and we baked it for dinner. It wasn't too bad. I'm still annoyed that you have to cook it yourself but it was nice to not have to prepare anything.

Tonight we had planned on going to the IMM launch party and then seeing Shadowape's production of "Gorey Stories" but beldar has to do a sleep study tonight to find out about his apnea. Since he won't be around this evening I imagine I'll probably sleep like shit but at least tomorrow's only a half day so I can nap if I need to. Oh yeah, I do have a dentist appointment this afternoon. I'm really looking forward to that.

Now for the update info you've all been waiting for: Tuesday night and the George Thorogood concert. After work beldar & I decided to finally use our gift card for the Broad Ripple Brew Pub for dinner before the show. Wow! I can't believe we haven't been there before. Of course they are always busy and look expensive but they are really great and quite affordable. We started out with a basket of veggie chips which was wonderful. beldar got the fish & chips (also fantastic) and I went with one of the specials, Southwestern Skirt Steak. The description for mine made it sound a lot like sirloin tips. I was expecting some pieces of meat sauteed with vegetables in a spicy sauce. What I got was a huge honkin piece of meat that covered the plate. I barely even finshed a fifth of the meat and only had a few potatoes and some veggies(the only bad part of the whole meal). I now have enough meat left over from that meal for us to cut it up and both have fajitas. I really couldn't believe the bargain that it was ($12.50 and it included a salad as well). beldar had enough of his meal left over for today's lunch. I can certainly say that we are definately going there again.

Now, on to the show. We got to the Vogue a bit later than I had planned on (their food was great but the service was glacial) but they had just started letting people in so we didn't have to wait in line for very long. Of course, this meant we were pretty well screwed if we wanted a seat but we hoped for the best. After being denied downstairs we ventured upstairs (where all the good drinks are anyway) and lucked into a bench seat against the wall. We couldn't see the stage but I planned on us standing up when it started anyways so I just wanted a place to sit and relax until the show started. While we were up there we ran into a friend of ours and a couple of his friends so we ended up with a nice little group to hang out with before the show. Of course, the opening act (Moneyfoot) sucked major rocks so we didn't even bother with moving to watch them.

Once George took the stage, I was up on my feet. The downstairs floor was packed so I didn't even try for it. I stayed upstairs on the rail and ended up standing right beside one of the spotlight guys. The view was great and I was closer than I would have been downstairs so I was happy. The show was incredible. He played most of his hits and a few new songs (no set list, too busy having fun). We had two and a half encores (the second one was kinda James Brown-ish so I added an extra half). After the show he came out and shook hands with everyone at the stage. I probably would have hung out and talked with him if I hadn't had to work the next morning. Still, he was an amazing performer and a great person and I had a wonderful time. I got a T-shirt, concert video and an autographed copy of his new CD. Whee!

Ok, so that's the update. I should be all caught up. Love to you all!


music, friends, food, work, health, bliss, happiness, tv, welcome, imm, teeth, party, concert review, fun, theater

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