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Jul 24, 2006 12:48

Weekend update time. Friday afternoon I had my mammogram. It seemed to go quite well. They all got a kick out of the shirt I wore to celebrate the fact. That evening we went to the Symphony on the Prairie. The show was great. They shortened it a bit since rain was coming but the weather stayed nice and the rain waited until halfway through the very last number to hit. It was really beautiful too because they were doing a laser light show and the raindrops made the effect even more spectacular. Of course, the best part was when the lasers hit the trees and the leaves would change their colors. All in all, we had a great time.

Saturday we didn't do any of the stuff we needed to do. I woke up with a headache and it kept getting worse and I got so groggy and dizzy that I ended up laying down. I tried to nap but never could get to sleep but the resting helped enough. That evening we went to Beef & Boards to see "Steel Magnolias". The show was great. All of the performances were excellent and we had a ball. However, they didn't offer "bleedin' armadillo cake" as a dessert option. They really should have as they try to match the food to the show whenever possible.

Sunday was rather unproductive as well. We went to church and I did manage to transplant my basil (I accidentally put it in the outside windowbox rather than the indoors one) but beyond that, we really didn't do squat. We did manage to watch a DVD that was sent to beldar for review. It was "Final Destination 3" and we really enjoyed it. It has a special "Choose their fate" option that lets you change the way the movie plays. I must say that this was a really interesting way to present your alternate endings and unused scenes. We actually watched the movie through once and then watched it with the "choose their fate" option on. I've got to say that the special effects were great and I was really impressed by the death scenes. Now we just have to watch the first two movies in the series and hope they are as fun.

Well, that's about it. Tonight we're both working late. Tomorrow we're going to see George Thorogood in concert at The Vogue. I am so excited! Thursday night beldar has to do a sleep study to determine whether or not he's got Apnea. Not too busy a week but still full.


music, weather, headaches, happiness, tv, concert review, links, boobs, concert, funny, play review, food, threadless, health, movie review, gardening

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