Well, I finally finished not one but two Audits today. It only took me three weeks to do them too. Now I just have 71 more to go. Whee! The Finance Manager has started to help me out by checking over the records of a few chapters so that we can get this done by mid August as it's supposed to be. I was hoping to have one more done today but I hadn't checked through all of their receipts and their records are a mess, so it looks like it won't get finished. However, I do have another chapter that is supposed to have a missing receipt to me either today or tomorrow so as soon as I get that in I can finish them up. I must say that now that I have finished one, I am really feeling better about things.
Weekend update: Went to the doctor on Friday. Things went well. He says I'm pretty healthly overall. However, he did hear something strange with my heart so I've got to do some tests there just to make sure it's OK. Oh yeah, this Friday I get to have my boobs squished. Whee! He gave me a medication to help with some of the side effects I've had from being off my siezure meds and advised me to take it at night because it can upset your stomach. Well, I haven't been able to sleep properly since I started taking it so I'm going to switch to days. I can live with stomach pain but I need sleep.
beldar is getting set up for a sleep study to check on his possible apnea. We're not sure exactly when he goes in for it but I'll keep you posted.
Saturday we had the costume event at the mall and had a blast. I would have enjoyed it more but my back was hurting so I wasn't at full form. I still had fun.
That evening we went to see "Aida" at
TotS. OMG! it was so great! I honestly can't tell you how incredibly talented those kids are (especially the leads). It was an absolutely beautiful production. Granted, it was not perfect and it was bizzare to see a "Nubian" who looked like Paris Hilton but still, this was an excellent show and well worth the price. If anyone reading this has the opportunity, you should definately go see the show.
Sunday was a lot more subdued. We went to church, the store and then home. I never heard back from the CoC guy and I had no desire to tromp downtown and fight the Black Expo traffic to go play a game that may or may not have happened. Besides, it was too damn hot to do anything.
Yesterday we did laundry (I lead an exciting life, don't I?). That's really about it.
Tonight we're going to to our friend's place for Oasis and the rest of the week is still pretty open. Friday we're going to SciFi night at Symphony on the Prairie (if it's not too hot and if
beldar remembers to get us passes). Saturday night is "Steel Magnolias" at Beef & Boards. Beyond that we're wide open. We need to do some cleaning around the house but that's about all we've got scheduled at the moment (and I hope to keep it that way).
Not much else to say.