Title: Nightly Courtship
Fandom: Inuyasha
Pairing: Kohaku x Rin
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
AN: Written for
forthrightly's V-day Come On Challenge.
Patiently, he waits deep within the shadows of the night for everyone to fall fast asleep. Sure that he will not be found out, he slips into the small hut where bodies lay sleeping in blankets. He steps to the smallest of the three. Careful as not to wake the others, he taps the little nose. The body stiffens before rising awake.
“Kohaku?” Rin whispers.
Quietly he places a kiss to her forehead and hands the second gift of his courtship to her.
“Couldn’t you have waited till morning?” Inuyasha yawns, just behind them.
“Inuyasha-sama!” Rin cries, both flush.