Close minded fool

Dec 14, 2004 18:56

First off go here:

then read what I sent this asshole in reply:

To the idealistic nazi that this concerns:

I have stumbled upon your ranting on the conservative website that you have recently posted upon about Dimebag Darrell Abbott, and I am quite shocked and horrified that you can even call yourself a human being. To make the accusations that you have made against one man (whom you do not know) who had brought happiness to many is very narrow minded and quite sad on your part. Saying that the vigils that those that loved him as fans created were "humorous" is not only insulting to just about anyone (whether or not they listen to heavy metal music, i.e. your comments on rap music) but quite apathetic and shows that you have a lack of character. To compare him to Johann Sebastian Bach is another narrow minded approach to which you have made.

Reasons I say this:
1)Bach was a composer that lived from 1685-1750 in Germany. He was one the most revolutionary composers and innovators in music theory. However, to compare a heavy metal/rock guitarist to him is unfair in that both have made contributions to the music world, it just so happens that one of them is in more of an modern era instead of the classical ages of art. Comparing Abbott to Bach is like comparing The Bush Administration to the Meng Dynasty. Completely out of place and unfair.
2)To compare the two and say that Mr. Abbott was talentless shows your ignorance and incompetence towards all forms of culture, especially in the area of music, in that you are simply showing your own personal biased opinion. Are you a musician? Do you know the slightest incantations that make up music theory? I doubt so, because if you did then you would clearly (even if you absolutely loathed his message and music), as a musician, be able to appreciate his technique and style that appeared in his work.

The definition of Music is orgainsed noise. Therefore, you are in no way inclined to say that any type of music is not music, whether it is rap, heavy metal, polka, or whatever. As long as the noise is in an orgainized form it is music (If you don't believe me, take a look at the production of STOMP, which is shown in music classes all across the country). It is quite clear that all of Abbott's music is if anything in a Common Time Signature or 4/4 if you will and therefore it is organized and therefore, by definition, it is music.

By saying that Abbott contributed to the "soul-deadening culture of death, ugliness, depravity and inhumanity that spawned his killer" by simpily taking one biased look at his art form, you should also say that the works of Poe and Melville as anti-transcendentalists have also done the same. All you have said basicaly is that image is everything. You care nothing for "THE BEST" as you claim as an "elitist" and instead your idealology is more appropriately compared to that of Adolf Hitler. You want a perfect world that will never exist. By mentioning the Ten Commandments and calling yourself a conservative, I assume that you are a right wing christian. Through your sadistic comments of "humor" towards those in mourning, pushing to be an "elite" and standing on the shoulders of others with your nose in the air, you sir need to read a what you are preaching. Assuming that you are a christian you need to read the part that makes that religion what it is...the new testament and anaylze the words of Christ. Does the Golden Rule mean anything to you?

I will close this message by simply saying that Christ, who is king, was a poor man all of his life, yet he did not care. He walked with the beggars, the prostitutes and the "semi-human barbarians" like you claim Mr. Abbott was. Why?? Because people like that were his people...the ones that he wanted to affect. Choose your words and judgements wisely, sir. Or you may not know where you end up in the long run.

May God have mercy on your soul

P.S. I am a christian and I listen to Heavy Metal Music and Bach....imagine that!
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