I am a Warrior. Period

Jul 19, 2004 23:09

I have a simple theory. If you disagree with it then it proves you are a little bitch and will never be a winner. The only thing worse than losing itself, is being on the losing side and having a teamate of your justify it by saying oh well at least we tried our best. "At least I did my best" is the biggest load of Bullshit I have ever heard. It NEVER justifies a loss. Only a loser who has no experience in the art that is winning can use this saying to take comfort in a loss. Or a selfish Jew-prick who puts personal goals ahead of team goals. If you disagree with that statement then tell me, what have you ever won?

Losers are satisfied with there best. Once you get used to winning you never want to go back to losing and you realize your best isn't always good enough. And when that happens, YOU NEED TO WORK HARDER and get better.
As a competitor, the worst thing that can happen to someone is for them to accept losing. Any time you lose at anything you care about you should be pissed off.

People say that there is more to life than winning... well what is it then cause I'm still searching. No matter what you do in life if you are serious about it you want to be the best. You wanna date the best people, have the best career, drive the best car etc...

Some would of said I acted like a sore loser after UIL because I was pissed off and said some bad things and what not. Well dammit I was pissed. I wanted to win and nothing short of victory was acceptable. So if because I was only willing to except victory makes me a sore loser then yes I am. And for the record, if somebody has a definition of a good loser please let me know what it is.

I went into theatre from a sports background. I played hockey, I won championships. Thats how things were. So when people question why I get so pissed after a loss then my response to them is simple, I'm not used to it and I will never allow my self to except losing. And my advice for everyone is don't B.S. around saying oh well I tried my best, just shut up and win next time.

Yes this topic came up while Molly and I were discussing UIL. I thought about it for the first time and realized what really pissed me off about it was a select few who sat around saying oh well we tried our best and so I'm happy. I know not many felt this way but there was a select few. Personally I rather of been surrounded by a group of people who vividly showed there displeasure then a group of crap ass little bitches who just talks about how proud they are that they tried there best.

Here is what you do after a loss:

Analyze that situation-
define both positives and negatives. What you did well as well as what you did wrong.
Figure out which areas need to be improved.

Work on It and Get better- Thats the key, learn from yous mistakes and get better all round

Remember it- Never forget it, use it as a motivational tool

Follow these steps at anything you want and it will help.
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