The thing about working with the mentally retarded is…

Mar 06, 2008 08:45

So I am supposed to be bloging because of my friend the “Word Nazi”, who is also my business partner, and very close friend. You see I am an actor, artist, director, filmmaker, girlfriend, mother, and writer. Not necessarily in that order but I do like alphabetizing it makes my life a little easier. But anyway, said “Word Nazi” and I had a conversation last night somewhat trying to motivate me in an artistic way since I am in some kind of stall pattern with that part of me. I have a film that I shot over 9 months ago and have yet to edit it. There is some really funny stuff on it, but I am having a hard time figuring out how I want to make it look more insane than it already is. Oh I forgot in my list that I am also a comedian, which I guess could fall under the category of actor, but in some circles I might be pummeled with rotten fruit for that. So I don’t know what else I am supposed to say at this point. I seem to be able to start off good but then I taper off with into nothingness. I have nothing to say, nothing to express, nothing to create, nothing new to bring forth into the world. It in a word Sucks!

Oh so let me explain the title. I have a day job until my passions can pay the bills. I am an administrative assistant for a company that works with the mentally retarded. Some people I know find it strange that I enjoy working in that kind of an atmosphere, but after working in salons and spas for the past 11 years I find people who just can’t do any better are easier to work with than rich bitches who think a bikini wax is an emergency. Sure maybe the people who we work with find small things and blow them out of proportion, but the same people find joy in the smallest things, and I sometimes wonder if the world might be a better place if we could all find that joy from time to time.

Okay so maybe I sound like a tree hugging hippie freak to some people, and some part of me is so there, but I also believe in killing people who kill, rape, or molest children. Oh yes I did say kill. Do I think that I am better than these people? No not really, but I do feel that once a person has gone past and acted on something so destructive there is really no turning back. Maybe if there was a medication to curb it perhaps, but who is to guarantee they would take it? Too many people go off their meds as it is, I, being one of them. Not that I was on anti-psychotics or anything just a lifetime issue with depression. Yes I took myself off of them after about a year and a half of being on them, but I never felt like killing myself after I stopped taking them and I didn’t return to any previous self-destructive behavior either.

Ok I guess that is enough for now I have to actually do some work.

The Dana
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